7. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights
7.1 All content, trademarks and data on this web site, including but not limited to, software, databases, text, graphics, icons, hyperlinks, private information, and designs are the property of or licensed to Jacques Volschenk, and as such, are protected from infringement by domestic and international legislation and treaties.
7.2 All rights not expressly granted are reserved. The copyright in all content, information, material and logos vesting in “http://jacquesdirect.com/” shall continue to vest in Jacques Volschenk and no right, title or interest in any proprietary material or information contained in this website is granted to you.
7.3 Jacques Volschenk owns or has the legal rights to all of the website, including but not limited to all of the wallpaper, icons, characters, artwork, images, graphics, music, text, software and any other content of the website (the “content”), and all HTML design, layouts, configurations, CGI and other code and scripts in any format used to implement the website (the “code”). The content and code of the website are protected by intellectual property and related rights, including but not limited to copyright, patent, database and trademark rights. All logos, names and trademarks, which appear on the website are the intellectual property of Jacques Volschenk or are used by Jacques Volschenk under license. Jacques Volschenk will prosecute any violation of intellectual property rights to the fullest extent that the law permits.